Membership / Permits

The Mapping Wales survey is now closed, and we are currently analysing the data. 

More than 50% of our ‘primary purpose’ members in Wales helped us with our research, giving a really important snapshot of the Welsh Community Transport sector. Thank you to everyone who took part in or promoted the survey; your help is greatly appreciated. The results will be posted on this page once the analysis and reporting are complete. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further.

Help CTA to shape the future of transport in Wales – we need your data!

It’s a really exciting time for the transport sector in Wales, and at CTA our members have helped us to shape a clear vision of what we want to achieve. This vision has underpinned all our policy and development work for several years, and we can see the impact of this in Welsh Government’s transport work, from Llwybr Newydd through to the National Transport Delivery Plan.

In Llwybr Newydd, the Welsh Government set out their own ambitious vision for transport which puts the passenger first, offering seamless end-to-end journeys which prioritise the comfort of passengers over the profit margins of operators, tackling the climate emergency by getting people out of private cars and into sustainable shared transport. This presents a huge opportunity for CT operators who have been using this model for decades in Wales, to be supported to step up and take our rightful place as a key element of an integrated and sustainable public transport network for Wales.

At CTA we can significantly shape the emerging set of regulations, legislation, resources, and network development, and we can ensure that community transport features centrally within the new future of passenger transport services. To do this, we need your data and stories to influence the decisions being made. We have surveyed our members to gather the information we need to make the difference.

“We want to see sustainable funding going into public and community transport which also considers how active travel can be integrated for those able to use it. A decarbonised fleet, connected with communities who own the energy that powers the vehicles, and are run by operators who collaborate and share their learning and expertise. We want to see members of the community shape the services they use, so those services can adapt and evolve to ensure they carry on meeting the needs of local people. And we want to see recognition from across the public sector that accessible transport can be a key enabler for success.”
Our Mapping Wales Survey closed November 2023."

If you’d like to reach out to our Wales team you can contact them at: [email protected]