Policy / Research

CTA is proud to be part of the Sustainable Transport Alliance, a partnership of sustainable transport NGOs that cover public, community, active and shared transport.

The Sustainable Transport Alliance consists of: the Community Rail Network; the Campaign for Better Transport; Bus Users UK; Living Streets; Sustrans; the London Cycling Campaign; and CTA. 

8 organisation logos in multiple colours and designs


Our Vision

All our communities can thrive as healthy, inclusive, prosperous places to live, work and enjoy, well-connected and served by green and fair transport that works for everyone and our planet.

Our Mission and Offer

We want to ensure that public, community and shared transport, alongside and connected with walking, wheeling and cycling, is prioritised and celebrated, opened up and developed, so everyone can get around and live well and sustainably. We recognise that this is vital to tackling the climate emergency and hugely benefits individuals, households and communities.

It’s about creating the future we all want, and our children deserve.

That’s why we’re working together to support and empower communities, and advise policy and decision-makers, to help to unlock the great benefits of sustainable and inclusive transport for all.

We are asking governments at all levels, our partners in transport and within communities, to work with us. We must work swiftly to ensure we have our transport priorities right, based on communities and environment, health and wellbeing.

Why is Change Needed?

We must turn the corner on greenhouse gas emissions in the current decade if we are to have a chance of keeping the Earth’s climate safe and habitable. Transport is the biggest source of emissions in the UK, and emissions have failed to fall to date.

Evidence shows that reducing private car use is crucial to safeguarding our climate and tackling air pollution: an estimated 25%+ reduction is needed by 2030. To ensure change is fair and positive, bolstering rather than limiting mobility, we need to shift journeys and our thinking, towards public, community and shared transport and active travel.

We can usher in far-reaching benefits from a sustainable transport system that works for all, and isn’t orientated around private cars. We can tackle cost of living, create equitable access to opportunity, boost health and wellbeing, empower communities, and protect local and global environments.

Our Priority Areas of Work

Engaging parliamentarians, policy-makers and decision-makers in transport and related policy fields, especially nationally, to share our combined expertise and show how public, community, shared and active travel can be prioritised, developed and integrated as a key way to tackle the climate and cost of living crises and create more equitable and sustainable development.

Working together to support and champion ‘bottom up’ change, especially by:

  • Sharing expertise and promoting collaboration between our networks;
  • Engaging and advising other networks and bodies; and
  • Looking for opportunities to organise joint locally-focused exemplar initiatives using sub-groups to advance these.