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Do you want to become a MiDAS Provider?

  • Rather than accessing MiDAS through an existing provider, you may want to be able to deliver MiDAS yourselves. This can be a good option particularly if you have a large number of people requiring training or if you struggle to find an existing provider close to you. It also allows you to deliver MiDAS to other organisations in your area. You can find out more about the steps involved with becoming a MiDAS Provider below.

    Step 1 – Understand the responsibilities of a MiDAS Provider

    In order to become a MiDAS Provider your organisation must:

    • Be passionate about passenger safety
    • Be committed to maintaining and supporting the MiDAS Standard – Safe, Legal, Comfortable
    • Have a Driver Assessor (more on how to become a Driver Assessor below)

    There’s some more practical responsibilities too – You must:

    • Have policies and procedures in place to ensure that anyone undertaking a MiDAS course with your organisation is treated equally and is not discriminated against. This includes being able to provide reasonable additional support or assistance to candidates where required
    • Ensure that any records you keep are in line with your privacy policy
    • Ensure that suitable training venues, vehicles and equipment are used
    • Ensure that there are effective processes in place to quality assure the courses being delivered by your Driver Assessor(s)
    • Ensure that appropriate insurance is in place such as employer’s liability cover and professional indemnity cover

    Sound like your organisation? The next step is to identify someone from your organisation to become a Driver Assessor.

    Step 2 – Identify a suitable candidate to train as a Driver Assessor

    One of the key requirements of becoming a MiDAS Provider is to have a Driver Assessor (DA). Becoming a DA involves an intensive course delivered over 2 days, with an additional day for candidates who would also like to deliver the MiDAS Accessible module for Drivers. Candidates musts be able to demonstrate the following competencies:

    General requirements

    • Passionate about passenger safety and supportive of the MiDAS approach to minibus safety
    • Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion
    • Ability to communicate effectively
    • Understanding of minibus legislation, health and safety legislation and the Highway Code

    Driving experience

    • Current MiDAS Standard certificate
    • Current driving licence with minibus entitlement
    • Recent minibus or large vehicle driving experience

    Assessment and demonstration skills

    • Ability to assess competence against given criteria
    • Ability to provide accurate feedback
    • Ability to recognise unsafe or incorrect practice
    • Ability to demonstrate good practice

    Disability Awareness (for those wishing to deliver the Accessible MiDAS course)

    • Current MiDAS Accessible certificate
    • Knowledge of minibus passenger safety issues for disabled people
    • Recent and regular experience of assisting people with disabilities (including wheelchair users) to travel by accessible vehicle

    Over the course, candidates will cover the following topics

    Day 1
    • MiDAS Structure
    • Individual Practical Session for MiDAS Drivers
    • Licence Checks
    • MiDAS Driving Assessment
    • MiDAS Pass/Fail Criteria (Measuring “Safe, Legal & Comfortable”)
    • Common Minibus Driving Faults
    Day 2
    • Driving Fault Identification & Analysis
    • Constructive Driving Feedback
    • On-Road Session:
      • Driving Assessment
      • Appraisal of Assessment Skills
    Day 3 (Optional)
    • Passenger awareness and assistance
    • Using passenger lifts and ramps
    • Assisting passengers who travel in their wheelchairs
    • MiDAS Accessible Assessments

    In order to pass, candidates will be assessed on their ability to:

    • Demonstrate effective feedback techniques
    • Demonstrate accurate assessment scoring
    • Pass a multiple choice theory assessment with a mark of at least 80%
    • Demonstrate the ability to accurately assess a driver using wheelchair tie down and occupant restraint systems.

    If successful, a Driver Assessor certificate will be issued which lasts for 2 years. This can be renewed through a 1 day refresher course.

    Step 3 – Find your local Training Centre for DA Training

    We are excited to announce our first three Training Centres who will be offering DA Induction courses from Summer 2024. You can contact each Training Centre directly to find out more about course dates and prices. Over the coming months we will also be announcing more Training Centres as we continue to build the network.

    CT4N Training

    Tel: 00115 7845725 / 0115 9624260

    Email: training@ct4n.co.uk

    Visit the CT4N website

    Dial-A-Ride Denbighshire Ltd  

    Tel: 01745 356906

    Email: Training@dialaridedenbighshire.org 

    Visit the Dial-A-Ride Denbighshire Ltd website


    Tel: 0131 669 9959

    Email: Kenny@LCTS.org.uk

    Visit the LCTS website

    Preston Community Transport

    Tel: 01772 204667

    Email: training@prestonct.org.uk

    Visit the Preston Community Transport website