• Mapping England Report

Mapping England State of the Sector Report

Mapping England: State of the Sector Community Transport Report 2024

Discover the Latest Insights on England’s Community Transport Sector

We are excited to share with you the Mapping England: State of the Sector Community Transport Report 2024. This comprehensive report presents the findings from the first survey of Community Transport Organisations (CTOs) in England since 2014, offering an updated view of the sector’s scale, diversity, and key challenges.

Download the full report here

What does the report cover? Dive into insights from across the community transport sector in England:

Headline findings: Download our full report to see the headline findings from CTA’s key policy areas under our CTA Manifesto priorities: Modernising for Growth, Improving Access to Health and Social Care, Investing in Community Solutions, Accelerating Community-Led Climate Action and Delivering a Fair Deal for Volunteers.

1. Community Transport Organisations (CTOs): Explore how organisations of different sizes, from small volunteer-run groups to larger operators, shape the sector. This section also provides details on Primary and Secondary Purpose Operators, income levels, and the widespread use of section 19 and 22 permits to deliver vital transport services across the country.

2. Income: Learn more about the diverse income streams that sustain the sector, the critical role of grant funding, and the need for more sustainable financial solutions. This section delves into how funding impacts long-term planning, vehicle investment, and staffing, with a focus on how the Community Transport Association is supporting the sector’s future.

3. Staff and volunteers: Discover the challenges CTOs face in recruiting qualified volunteer drivers, the sector’s reliance on older volunteers, and the growing need for reform in driver licensing. This section also explores the impact of declining volunteer recruitment alongside increasing demand for services and highlights the CTA’s ongoing support for volunteer recruitment and retention.

4. Services: Explore how Community Transport fills crucial gaps in existing transport networks, providing essential services like Group Hire, Volunteer Car Schemes, and Dial-a-Ride. This section highlights the innovative ways CTOs meet specific passenger needs, adapt to rural and urban demands, and respond to increased service demand driven by reduced public transport and an ageing population.

5. Community Transport Trips: Understand how the type and size of organisations, as well as the environment they serve, affect the number and character of trips made by CTOs. This section explores the unique challenges faced by rural operators, the nature of secondary purpose organisations’ trips, and the importance of collecting and sharing trip data to demonstrate the social value of Community Transport services.

6. Vehicles: Learn about the critical role of vehicles in Community Transport, the ageing fleet, and the low uptake of electric vehicles. This section explores the barriers to purchasing new vehicles, particularly the high costs, and highlights the importance of identifying suitable funding and vehicle options to meet the needs of the sector.

7. Policy and priorities: Discover how crucial it is for CTOs to connect with key stakeholders and policy discussions to overcome challenges in recruitment, funding, and vehicle replacement. This section highlights the disconnect between Community Transport operators and local transport decision-makers, and how improving these relationships is essential for the sector’s growth and sustainability.

Why This Report Matters:

This report provides a vital snapshot of the current state of community transport in England and offers valuable data for stakeholders, policymakers, and CTOs themselves. The findings will inform future policy decisions, drive improvements in service delivery, and strengthen the support available to CTOs across the country.

Read the Full Report:

Download the Mapping England: State of the Sector Community Transport Report 2024 to explore the full range of insights, statistics, and recommendations for the future of community transport in England.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or would like more information on how this report impacts your local community transport services, please get in touch with our Research and Insight Manager Nick Mills on nick@ctauk.org.