Section 4 - A Summary of the Services Delivered by Community Transport

Community Transport services emerge to fill a gap in existing transport provision. Whether it is because there are potential passengers with needs that cannot be served by existing transport, or because of gaps in the transport network that leave passengers without a public transport alternative, Community Transport services are designed to meet the needs of a specific set of passengers.

graph showing services delivered by rural and urban

Because CTOs are responding to specific transport needs, there are many different types of services in operation, often within the same organisation. An average primary CTO was delivering 3 different types of service.

For example, whilst the research shows that Group Hire, Volunteer Car Schemes and Dial-a-ride are the most popular types of service, it also reveals that service types vary according to whether the area served is rural or urban, the organisation is primary or secondary purpose. 


graph showing journey purpose by org purpose

CTOs are providing services for a wide range of passengers showcasing the accessibility of services and the different destinations and purposes that Community Transport exists to serve. Social trips, shopping and health were top journey purposes, but groups offered services for many other reasons besides these.


graph showing change in demand for services for CT

Four fifths of organisations had seen an increase in demand for services in the past year, potentially due to reduced public transport, an ageing population, or increased diversity of Community Transport provision. 


To access the full breakdown of services delivered by Community Transport read the full report here


See the next section in the Mapping England report below