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Transport Secretary unveils her vision for integrated transport across England

The Government has set out a new vision for a more joined up and locally led transport across England.

A new Integrated National Transport Strategy, the first in a quarter of a century - will set out a 'people first approach' to getting people around the country. Recognising that different passengers have different needs, and the quality of transport varies across the country, it will set out how Government can support local areas to make all forms of transport work together better.

Chair of the Board of Trustees

Founded in 1968 by Barbara Werndly, the BBF operates a fleet of 15 wheelchair accessible vehicles from Stanmore, Aylesbury and North Wales. The role of Chair is a voluntary position with the requirement to commit to one to two days per month, attend online meetings every 6-8 weeks and the AGM. The Chair will lead the Board of Trustees, chair committee meetings and the AGM.

Please contact: for a Job Pack.

CTWeek24 - How to get involved!


From 14-18 October 2024, communities across the UK will celebrate CTWeek24, highlighting the vital work of the Community Transport sector. Inspired by our Manifesto, this year’s theme, Celebrating Community Solutions, spotlights the impact of accessible, inclusive, and affordable transport in strengthening community bonds.

Section 7 - Policy and Priorities

Section 7 - A Summary of how Community Transport engages in Policy

It is more important than ever to engage with key stakeholders and get involved in policy discussions. We’ve seen in the previous sections that while the Community Transport sector delivers a variety of vital services to a wide range of passengers, the sector does face considerable challenges. 

Section 6 - Vehicles

Section 6 - A Summary of the types of vehicles used to deliver Community Transport

Vehicles are vital to Community Transport, whether owned by the CTO or volunteers. Most CTO vehicles are minibuses, but there are many other types of vehicles within the sector.  

Section 5 - Journeys

Section 5 - A Summary of the trips and journeys undertaken by Community Transport

Just as CTOs provide many different types of services, so the number of number and character of trips are determined by the type and size of the organisation, the passengers being taken and the environment that the CTO is operating in. Respondents were asked to provide top-line figures for their monthly operations.

Section 4 - Services

Section 4 - A Summary of the Services Delivered by Community Transport

Community Transport services emerge to fill a gap in existing transport provision. Whether it is because there are potential passengers with needs that cannot be served by existing transport, or because of gaps in the transport network that leave passengers without a public transport alternative, Community Transport services are designed to meet the needs of a specific set of passengers.