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MiDAS: The Gold Standard in Minibus Driver Training

The Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme (MiDAS) has been an intrinsic part of the community transport sector since its inception in 1994. As the training scheme reaches 30 years old, CTA’s transformation plan goes far beyond the regular minor amendments that have been made every 2 years. CTA has spent the past 18 months working in partnership with Hampshire County Council (the original developers of MiDAS) to transform the MiDAS offering. We are maintaining the original guiding ethos of ‘by the sector for the sector.

Policy Win: CTA Welcomes DfT’s New MaaS Code of Practice

We welcome DfT’s new Code of Practice for Mobility as a Service, which prioritises accessibility, digital inclusion and Community Transport.

Back in May 2022, CTA published our response to the Department for Transport (DfT)’s consultation on proposals for a new Code of Practice for Mobility as a Service (also known as MaaS), which could have significant implications for the Community Transport sector.

Call for evidence – Rural Transport in the East of England

Experts reviewing rural transport open call for evidence to tackle transport deserts in the East 

Share your insight on rural mobility through the new Transport East Strategy Hub

An independent group of experts, including the Community Transport Association, across the East have opened an inquiry into rural transport seeking views and evidence from people, businesses and organisations with experience of rural transport.

Press Release: CTA Urges Operators to Prioritise Robust Maintenance Programmes

The Community Transport Association (CTA) calls on all community transport (CT) operators to prioritise robust maintenance programmes to ensure the safety and compliance of their vehicles on the road.  

This call has become paramount following the decision of the Traffic Commissioner to revoke the permits of a CT operating below the required safety standards. Based on the evidence provided by the Traffic Commissioner, CTA has now made the decision to revoke the remaining permits issued to the Operator.