Succession planning: it’s never too early to start!

Start thinking about succession planning as soon as possible: that was the key message from operators at our February Community Building Session

It can be challenging enough to manage the day-to-day responsibilities of busy services, yet our three speakers all emphasised the need to take a step back and consider potential departures from the staff team and board, and the impact that these could have on the organisation. 

Show and Tell with LEAP Car Club

Our ‘Show and Tell’ events is a dedicated space for CTA members to share insights and inspiration from their Community Transport journey with the rest of the movement.

Next up in the series, we’re delighted to showcase Local Energy Action Plan (LEAP), which works across Renfrewshire to advance environmental protection, sustainability education and community participation. In 2012, they established a community-owned car club back to meet local transport needs, reduce car ownership and cut car costs for users. 

Meet The Movement in Edinburgh

Our ‘Meet the Movement’ events are where our sector’s operators, supporters and partners come together ‘IRL’ to make new connections, build closer relationships and be part of something bigger, Scotland’s thriving Community Transport movement!

After a successful gathering for CTA members in Glasgow last year, we’re back, and this time we’re in Edinburgh’s West End. Join us on the morning of Tuesday 15 April at the offices of Azets near Haymarket to:

Community Building Session - Live Advice & Resources Explained

Community Building Session: Live Advice & Resources Explained

Don't miss this opportunity to have your CT related questions answered live and take a deep dive into the treasure trove that is the CTA Advice Service. Did you know CTA has a whole team dedicated to researching and creating advice and support resources for its members? 

During this Community Building Session attendees can expect:

Lanarkshire Community Transport Network Meeting: February 2025

CTA members in the Lanarkshire region are invited to join us at Blantyre Volunteer Group on Tuesday 18th February from 2pm - 3:30pm for the first Lanarkshire Community Transport Network meeting of the new year. CTA Scotland has developed this in-person session with the aim of connecting local operators and stakeholders. During this 90 minute session CTA members in the Lanarkshire area are invited to:

Introduction to Enhanced Partnerships and Franchising

CTA members based in England are invited to attend this online session.

An Introduction to Enhanced Partnerships and Franchising has been designed to give an insight into the inner workings of these unique collaborations are and how community transport providers can get involved.

Attendees will learn how to get involved with franchising and how it can open up new opportunities for growth, collaboration, and service expansion.

Student Volunteering Week 2025

Student Volunteering Week takes place from 10th to 16th February 2025, and is a brilliant opportunity to engage young people in community transport across the UK. 

Well versed in all things digital and actively looking for opportunities to develop skills in customer service, logistics and planning, students from your local college or university could be a valuable addition to your operation.