• Resources: Risk Assessments and Risk Management

  • Risk Assessment and Risk Management

    All organisations have a responsibility to keep their staff, volunteers, and customers safe. A key element in ensuring this safety is mapping and understanding the things in your organisation which might put people at risk, and how to control them – this is known as risk management. 

    A risk assessment will help manage risk. It’s not about creating huge amounts of paperwork, but rather about identifying sensible measures to control the risks in your workplace. You are probably already taking steps to protect your employees, and your risk assessment will help you decide whether you have covered all you need to and what else you can do to protect your staff, volunteers and passengers. 

    CTA have worked with our members to develop a suite of resources to help you to do this in your organisation. If you would like to discuss this further with a member of CTA’s Advice Team, you can email us at advice@ctauk.org 

    Risk Assessment ‘How To’ Guide

    This document is a guide to what you need to consider when putting together a comprehensive risk assessment, looking at what is meant by hazards and risks and key steps to identify them.


    Risk Assessment Templates

    General Risk Assessment Template


    Blank Risk Assessment Template

    If you want to download a blank risk assessment template, without our suggestions included, you can do so here. 
