• CTWeek24 – How to get involved!

CTWeek24 Celebrating Community Solutions

From 14-18 October 2024, communities across the UK will celebrate CTWeek24, highlighting the vital work of the Community Transport sector. Inspired by our Manifesto, this year’s theme, Celebrating Community Solutions, spotlights the impact of accessible, inclusive, and affordable transport in strengthening community bonds.

Sounds good! How can my Community Transport Organisation (CTO) get involved?

We’ve compiled some ideas on how you can get involved, but feel free to celebrate in a way that best suits your CTO. Whatever you decide to do, we’re here to support you! Reach out to your Development Officer or our communications team on comms@ctauk.org.

Join our CTWeek Virtual Journey Map!

Embark on an exciting adventure with us from Lands End to John O’Groats (and beyond to the Scottish Isles!) as we highlight Community Transport services’ incredible breadth and diversity across the UK. This virtual journey map aims to showcase as many CTOs as possible during CTWeek. Throughout the week, we will be virtually visiting our members in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland.

What Should I Submit to the Virtual Journey?

CTWeek is all about celebrating and spotlighting the UK’s essential yet often overlooked Community Transport services. For our virtual journey, we are collecting stories, photos, and videos that not only showcase the work you do but also highlight how your services go above and beyond just getting people from A to B.

To make your submission impactful, we’ve created a quick guide for you to review before contributing to the map. We highly recommend you read the guide before submitting, but here’s what we’re looking for:

Stories: Personal impact stories from passengers, volunteers, and staff.
Photos: Candid shots of daily operations, community events, and behind-the-scenes moments.
Videos: Short clips documenting a day in the life of your CTO, testimonials, and special projects.

How to Join the Journey

To find out when we’ll be virtually visiting your country or region and to participate in the journey, please visit our CTWeek Virtual Journey form. Simply fill out the form, and we will highlight your CTO on our CTWeek Virtual Journey map.

Get your CTO in the Local Press

CTWeek is an excellent opportunity to get local, regional, or even national press attention for the impact your CTO has in your community.

We’ve created a press release template to help you share your story. You can access our press release template here.

Are you new to contacting the press? We’ve compiled our top tips for distributing press releases here and made a list of ideas for photo opportunities here.

Invite a local politician to visit your CTO

Many CTOs use CTWeek as an opportunity to invite their local politician to visit their organisation and raise awareness of Community Transport in their local area. This visit can help politicians understand the impact and importance of these services firsthand, fostering stronger community support and potentially influencing future transport policies.

We’ve created a template letter to invite local politicians to visit your CTO during CTWeek24. You can access the letter template here.

Post on Social Media and tell people you’re on board for CTWeek24!

We love seeing all the creative ways you share and celebrate CT on social media. For Canva and Photoshop wizzes, we have a CTWeek brand kit for you here.

We know how busy CTOs are, so we’ve also prepared some social media posts and graphics to let people know you’re going to be part of CTWeek24! 

Remember to use the hashtags #CTWeek24 and tag CTA on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn in all your posts!

If you want more ways to show you’re ready for CTWeek you can use these downloadable resources:

Over the coming weeks, we’ll share more suggestions for ways you can get involved in CTWeek24. Ensure you’re following us on Twitter and signed up to our mailing list so you don’t miss out!