• Connecting Communities in Wales

  •  Darllenwch Yn Gymraeg

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    What is Connecting Communities in Wales?

    In 2017, CTA secured £1.1 million to deliver a new project to build and support a demand responsive transport network in communities all across Wales.

    The aim of the project is to bolster community transport in Wales, creating new partnerships, bringing funding into the sector and creating new transport networks that will connect communities to the people and places they care about. We’ve already brought together transport providers and facilitated partnerships, leveraged significant amounts of funding for the sector and brought new schemes and services to life. The project is split into two phases.

    Since December 2017, the project has had significant achievements, from creating new partnerships and services, hosting Transport Innovation Networks across Wales, delivering a range of training to community transport providers, and securing almost £1.8 million worth of funding for the community transport sector across Wales.

    The Connecting Communities in Wales project will be ending in December 2020. Over the past three years, our dedicated team have worked with you to change the landscape of community transport in Wales. We’re so proud of what we’ve done together, and we’re sure you’d like to thank the team for their commitment and expertise. . You can read more about this announcement here and watch our celebration event below.

    Latest News

    Celebrating the Impact of Connecting Communities in Wales 

    On Tuesday 15 December, we were joined by members and friends from across Wales to celebrate the impact of CTA’s Connecting Communities in Wales (CCiW) project. During the event we talked about the projects achivements, heard from organisations who we’ve supported, and discussed how, even though the project is ending, the CTA’s team in Wales will still be here to support members as we move into 2021.

    You can watch the full event above and read a recap of what went on, as well as reflections on the project from Michelle Clarke, Project Co-ordinator for North Wales, here.

    Connecting Communities in Wales profiled in Together

    Connecting Communities in Wales has been profiled in the latest issue of Together, CTA’s quarterly membership journal. As well as making the cover, left, the magazine includes an overview of the project from Alison Owen, Project Manager and several case studies of the people and projects Connecting Communities has supported over the last three years.

    You can read the article here, and CTA members can read the full Autumn 2020 issue of Together in the members’ area of our website by clicking here.

    New suite of funding resources released 

    Connecting Communities in Wales has recently released a suite of resources looking at how community transport providers can undertake effective fundraising.

    The resources are made up of top tip guides, clear and easily digestible information on a range of topics; how-to guides looking more indepth at key issues; presentations the team have given on key areas of fundraising; as well as example applications for funds in Wales that have previously supported community transport.

    You can find all of these resources on our Connecting Communities in Wales resource page here.

    Previous Updates 

    Read some our past Connecting Communities in Wales updates:

    Project Update: 2018 (1)

    Project Update: 2018 (2)

    Project Update: 2019

    The Connecting Communities in Wales Team:

    Please feel free to get in touch with any of the Connecting Communities team via the details below:

    Alison Owen, Project Manager


    01792 844290 | 07918 652136

    Alison began working for the voluntary sector in 2006 and joined the Connecting Communities in Wales team in January 2018. As Project Manager, the scope of her role is varied and interesting, meeting many wonderful people who are intent on developing ideas that bring about transport solutions to connect rurally isolated communities across Wales.  Much of her work is centered on building relationships, gaining trust and enabling change through the support of a skilled and dedicated team.

    Michelle Clarke, Project Co-ordinator North Wales 


    01745 356751 |  07918 748260

    Michelle joined the team in February 2018, having worked in the charity sector for many years. As Project Co-ordinator for North Wales, much of her work focuses on developing partnerships and identifying where Connecting Communities in Wales can add value. This may be through helping to assess local needs, exploring potential community transport solutions, identifying funding sources for schemes, and capacity building to help organisations grow their services. Michelle has seen how vital community transport is for equality of access to employment, health, and social support. At its core, community transport is about helping people to connect.

    David Brooks, Project Co-ordinator South Wales 


    01792 844290 | 07747 693869

    David joined CTA in 2014 as our Support & Engagement Executive for South and Mid Wales, having spent the previous nine years working in various roles within the voluntary sector in Wales. In 2017 David joined the Connecting Communities project team. This role has enabled David to work with community transport operators and other stakeholders to develop partnerships, explore ideas for community transport projects and seek funding to make those projects a reality. David is looking forward to continuing this work over the next few years, supporting communities to build transport solutions that enable people to get to essential services and social opportunities while improving wellbeing and reducing loneliness and isolation.

    John Evans, Project Support Executive


    01792 844290

    After a long career in South West Wales, helping businesses to prosper and supporting people into employment, John is well aware of the impact that insufficient transport provision can have on economic development, individual opportunities and communities. John is now utilising his skills and experience to support CTA’s Connecting Communities in Wales project. Based in CTA’s South Wales office, John works with the project team across both North and South Wales.

    Find out more about Connecting Communities in Wales

    Connecting Communities in Wales has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.