• Renew Membership

Your organisation

Your primary contact

Please provide details of the person within your organisation who will be our primary contact. This person will be the main point of contact when we want to get in touch with your organisation.


Pay by debit/credit card

Please fill in your debit/credit card details to complete your application. If you need to provide a purchase order number please enter it below.

Pay by BACS/Cheque

When you submit your application you will be sent an invoice with details of your order. If you need to provide a purchase order number please enter it below.

If you wish to pay by BACS please pay to CAF Bank, Sort Code 40-52-40, account number 00031439. Please quote you invoice number as a reference.

If you wish to pay by cheque please send your cheque to CTA, 12 Hilton Street, Manchester, M1 1JF. Please write the name of your organisation and your invoice number on the back of the cheque.