Minibus Options – Travel Assitance
27th November 2017
by Fred James
Sales Director, Minibus Options
Fred James is the Sales Director at Minibus Options – a CTA Corporate Supporter
Did you know that Minibus Options provide Travel Assistance for CTA Members who visit their showroom in Whaley Bridge? We’ll pay for either 2 standard return tickets on the train, or the cost of the fuel for one vehicle to make the journey. What’s more we also provide lunch, so the only thing you’ll need to do is book a day away from the office.
At our Whaley Bridge headquarters, we have an extensive showroom, with samples of everything from seating to wheelchair lifts which can be demonstrated to you, all this along side a production facility where over 50 vehicles may be viewed at various build stages. There’s nothing to beat seeing this equipment ‘in the metal’; and visitors get to appreciate the complete flexibility with which a new vehicle can be built.
Minibus Options has been trading for over 30 years, celebrating its anniversary in 2016, so staff have decades of experience and can offer you sound advice to ensure that you are aware of what it’s possible to achieve with a bespoke vehicle, and ensure that each vehicle meets regulations to the finest detail.
If you would like to take a trip to see us, or if you have any questions please contact fred.james@minibusoptions.co.uk
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Mia Evans - Kevrek
I like that you talked about the metal option that new vehicles can have to make it a flexible option. I hope that we can also have those kinds of options when we look for a van where we can have a wheelchair lift installed. It will be for my grandmother who already needs to be in a wheelchair due to her mobility issues at the age of 70. https://www.kevrek.com.au/ricon-products