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Judgement handed down on Judicial Review

On Friday 06 December, the judgement on the Judicial Review taken by the Bus and Coach Association against the Department for Transport was given. The judgement dismisses the Bus and Coach Association’s case, rejecting their claim that the Department for Transport had acted unlawfully in its actions relating to the regulation of community transport. Judges also refused to grant a legal declaration as to what exclusively non-commercial purposes means and how it should be applied in relation to section 19 and 22 permits.

You can read the full judgement here.

As Interested Parties in the Judicial Review, CTA and Mobility Matters appointed solicitors to represent the interests of the community transport sector and you can find their summary of the case and the judgement here.

CTA and Mobility Matters will keep you informed on what the judgement means for the community transport sector going forward, and our next steps.

In the meantime, if you need any advice or support you can contact our advice service via [email protected] 

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