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CT23 Award Winners

We are thrilled to announce the winners for this year's Community Transport Awards!

Our esteemed panel of judges had the incredibly difficult task of evaluating all the outstanding submissions and narrowing down our nominees to the very best of the best. Our judges wanted to thank everyone who submitted a nomination, and it was so inspiring to see so many stories of excellence from across the UK.

Thank You to our Sponsors

The CT23 Awards are supported by the following sponsors: London Hire, Minibus Options, Endsleigh Insurance, BraunAbility, Padam Mobility and TBC Conversions.

Provider of the Year (for small fleet size CT with about 1-5 vehicles)

Community Transport Provider of the Year recognises a community transport provider who, in the view of our judges, has gone above and beyond in supporting their community over the last year, and may have overcome significant challenges to do so. 

This means having a positive impact on the local community, adapting what they do in new and innovative ways and offering examples of best practices and support to others in the sector. 

There are two categories for this award, CT Provider of the Year (for small fleet size CT with about 1-5 vehicles) and CT Provider of the Year (for large fleet size CT with above 5 vehicles).

Winner: South Denbighshire Community Partnership

Sponsor: London Hire

Provider of the Year (for large fleet size CT with above 5 vehicles)

Community Transport Provider of the Year recognises a community transport provider who, in the view of our judges, has gone above and beyond in supporting their community over the last year, and may have overcome significant challenges to do so. 

This means having a positive impact on the local community, adapting what they do in new and innovative ways and offering examples of best practices and support to others in the sector. 

There are two categories for this award, CT Provider of the Year (for small fleet size CT with about 1-5 vehicles) and CT Provider of the Year (for large fleet size CT with above 5 vehicles).

Winner: Badenoch & Strathspey Community ConnXions

Sponsor: Minibus Options

Innovation in Volunteering

This award celebrates operators who take an innovative approach to recruiting, supporting, and retaining their volunteers. Whether it's about new approaches to advertising, a volunteer support programme, partnership working with other organisations, or volunteer reward systems, these operators are leading the way in shaping volunteering that's fit for the future.

Winner: SWAN Transport

Sponsor: Endsleigh

Partnership of the Year

Partnership of the Year is for two or more organisations that have worked in partnership for the benefit of their communities over the last year. Our judges looked at how these these organisations have worked together to identify and solve a problem, using their different skill sets to reach their communities where they wouldn’t have been able to do so individually.

Winner: ECT Charity

Making a Difference

Making a Difference is an award that recognises an organisation that has gone above and beyond to create new ways to make sure its passengers feel included and supported.

The shortlisted nominees have put in place new, innovative, and effective ways to keep passengers’ spirits up and keep them connected to their communities.

Winner: Merton Community Transport

Sponsor: Braunability

Commitment to Sustainability

Commitment to sustainability is an award that recognises the community transport sector’s commitment to sustainability and will be awarded to an organisation that can show this commitment across its work. 

The shortlists have demonstrated how they have taken innovative approaches to improving sustainability even if the results are still a work in progress. Our judges were keen to see how the nominees reflected the values of sustainability and climate awareness through their work'.

Winner: Awel Aman Tawe - Taith Co-op

Sponsor: Padam Mobility

CT Champion of the Year

CT Champion of the Year recognises an individual at a CT organisation who has gone over and above to champion and support the work of community transport. This could be a politician, local community leader, funder, staff member, volunteer, trustee or local business person. Our judges were looking for someone who has supported and/or raised the profile of community transport either locally or nationally.

Winner: Jim Grose & Rosemarie Darlington  - Mid Devon Mobility

Sponsor: TBC Conversions

Lifetime Achievement Award

Barrie has been a cornerstone of Car Linc Môn for two decades, dedicating countless hours and traversing thousands of miles as a devoted volunteer driver. In a touching moment, his daughter made a surprise appearance to present him with his award this evening. By the end of his acceptance speech, there was not a single dry eye in sight.

Winner: Barrie Hodgson

Massive thanks to the esteemed panel of judges for their diligent and meticulous review of the submissions for the Community Transport Awards.


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