Becoming a Training Agent: John Dale
29th January 2020
by John Dale
Training Agent
For those in Community Transport, MiDAS is an important part of making sure that the services our sector delivers to those in their communities come at the highest standards of safety and care. A nationally recognised driver training scheme, MiDAS is delivered via a cascade model, with drivers being trained by Driver Assessor Trainers (DATs) who in turn are trained to deliver that training by Training Agents (TAs). Last summer we opened recruitment to those passionate about driver training and looking to become a Training Agent.
In this blog you can hear from John Dale, our newest Training Agent, on why he went through the process and why driver training matters to him.
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
Prior to starting out on my current journey as a driver trainer I was a consultant for a tele-communications company with a customer and performance management background. In 2002, and looking for a change of career, I set up my own business as a DVSA approved driving instructor in the North East of England, priding myself on the standard of tuition and a high pass rate. In 2011 I joined Teesside LGV Training, a family run company, and have been providing Driver Assessor Training for MiDAS since 2015.
Why did you want to make the jump to becoming a Training Agent?
I’m very lucky that as a trainer I’ve had the opportunity to work with individuals from a lot of different backgrounds and abilities. I feel like the natural progression for me as driver trainer was to take on more of a train the trainer role, something I already do for the LGV industry and that I’m excited to do for MiDAS! Road safety and driver development are things I’m passionate about, and with MiDAS, that starts with Training Agents who have high standards, professionalism and passion.
What process did you have to go through to become a Training Agent?
It was a comprehensive process in order to qualify as a Training Agent! After the initial CTA development day for potential Training Agents, I attended a number of training courses delivered by Senior Training Agents to see their different delivery methods; I visited a number of contacts who are also DATs to see how they deliver training and contrasted it with my own ideas; I spent time with companies who provide adaptation to vehicles and supply equipment; and I spent three days with a Senior Training Agent as a self-development process in order to ensure that my standard of presentation, knowledge and delivery were up to the high standards expected in MiDAS. I found the process very detailed and informative!
Why do you think MiDAS is important?
So many community transport providers are supported by dedicated and passionate volunteers but they don’t always have previous experience in diving a minibus. MiDAS makes sure that these drivers are trained and assessed to a nationally recognised standard which has a huge benefit to the individual, the organisation but perhaps most importantly the passengers who so often rely on community transport for social interaction, friendship and community.
Giving drivers the confidence to drive and support their passengers is a great feeling, and I’m excited to continue being part of the MiDAS model as a Training Agent.
You can find out more about MiDAS training at ctauk.org/training/midas/ and find details for John and all our MiDAS Training Agents at ctauk.org/training/midas/do-you-want-to-become-a-midas-trainer/.
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Julie Thornton
Congratulations John on your new role from all of us at Tees Valley Rural Action.
Our CT volunteers have been fortunate to receive quality training from you direct, always giving fantastic feedback regarding your approach and understanding of the volunteers and CT needs.
We look forward to seeing you soon 🙂