• Resources


As part of the Grants+ element of the project we provided the pilots with the opportunity to attend workshops on subjects that they felt would be most helpful to them, as part of their involvement in the project, as well as for their organisations as a whole.

Below are YouTube videos of the presentations as well as additional resources on the which you may find helpful:

Volunteer Recruitment

Cheshire West Voluntary Action – information and advice on strategies for recruiting and retaining volunteers.


Social Media

Cheshire West Voluntary Action – information on how to communicate with your audiences and what social media strategies to use.

Additional Resources:

Steps to Successful Fundraising

CTA’s Michelle Clarke, Wales Transport Strategy Lead – advice on how to put together a funding bid, things to consider and links to help you search for grants.

Additional Resources:

Data Collection & Analysis

DfT’s evaluation consultants NatCen provide an insight into their evaluation process for the project and CTA’s England Director provides some top tips for data gathering.

Additional Resources: